Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nadine Jansen Mia Movie

SID VICIOUS - Sid sings

I'll start this season evoking Gary, the boy genius of Philadelphia, who wanted to have many friends, but that because of their intelligence, always drives ended. And at 14 years, Gary was a computer prodigy, solving problems of low-level programming, while listening to Matching Mole, György Ligeti and Anekdoten. Yet he knew that while corporations pursued him with zeal, the number of friends never went to zero.
One day, her desperate loneliness led to reduced intellectual capacity to want to gain some acceptance. Thereafter, he underwent various neurosurgical that were removing brains to endanger their most basic reason, however, admitted to their group membership was growing, despite its once exquisite musical taste had deteriorated to subhuman levels.
Gary's ear went through various styles, which were falling under category went clueless. So went through moments of indie, hard rock, pop, reggae and power metal, omitting deep approaches to reggaeton and Latin action and thinking in its full decline.
completely empty, moved to the mountains of North Carolina, bought a shotgun, a straw hat, a jean one piece and began to waste their time nibbling grass and partridge shooting at unsuspecting crossing the county. While the governor cleared the horse was taken to an asylum, and that is where he currently resides. Gary

: - Yes, I know I am now a real jerk, but I do not care. I have 6,343 Facebook friends, which also own my virtual farm. I lost my ability to discern the sublime to the dreadful, but I'm not alone anymore. I am happy, but all I can understand is "Sid stinks." (?)

"Sid Sings" is the most important album by the person with less IQ interpreter of music history. But let's look at what was the final choice of our Gary. This album
atrocious, almost a bootleg, we hear, a sound deplorable covers various disrespectful and immature, notably "I want to be your dog" (Stooges), "Stepping Stone" (Monkees), "Chinese Rocks" (Heartbreakers) and "Something Else" (Eddie Cochrane), and a very amateur version ( though sympathetic) of "My Way", which is placed here as a square within a triangle.
The artist not only makes a fool of myself constantly, but his attitude irritated despicable, far more than Sex Pistols, Sid band that should not have ever entered, with one disc left spotless official invoice: "Never mind the bollocks "fundamental work punk-rock, but that should keep the wise Glen Matlock, author of several of its tracks, a factor that could have ensured the continuity of the group.
Vicious sings a handful of catatonic in full festichola, with a disconcerting voice, supported by a support group might have been funded by Matlock, in revenge for his wrongful dismissal from London combo (not very punk it was said that loved the Beatles.). Well it went for, 19 years later, to the infamous "Filthy Lucre Tour"!

If Simon John Ritchie (aka 'Sid Vicious'), tiny man with talent, whose top may well have influenced instrumental sido Stu Sutcliffe, no fue una leyenda musical, sino únicamente un icono fortuito de su generación (además de un completo inútil, masoquista, cobarde, ladrón de jubilados, traficante, adicto incurable e imprevisto asesino), ¿qué sentido tuvo la edición de “Sid sings”, más allá de documentar una patología? Un descalabro que no aporta nada, salvo alimentar con mucho morbo un mito absurdo en sujetos semi-fronterizos, por parte de un triste MAMARRACHO, cuyo único mérito fue tener algo de carisma.

"Sid tocaba tan mal que teníamos que poner a uno de los roadies detrás de los altavoces para que tocara su parte de bajo", aseguraba Malcolm McLaren (su titiritero) In an interview with the Evening Star In another interview, Lemmy Kilmister stated that "trying to teach to play bass Sid was one of the most frustrating experiences of my life." We see that the guy was not exactly a genius. Lemmy also stated that sold Vicious LSD Hawkwind concert. ("A hippie past? Not surprise me a specimen so erratic.)

No Prescription
: How many social network users are desperate to have many friends and, almost inevitably, the way it is down mentally. If you really want to follow in the footsteps of Gary, but want to skip costly and risky brain operation, listen to this album about twenty times. Guaranteed results, but ... no attempt to listen later or Battles Slint!
The only thing that will is to Tokio Hotel.
Here is Sid dancing "Someone else" as the puppet he always was. I loved this version of the iconic punk made with Sims 2. Would not surprise me to see one day dancing with Playhouse Disney Phineas and Ferb.

OTROS EJEMPLARES DEL MISMO TENOR: "Love kills NYC" (1985), "Never mind the reunion, here's Sid Vicious" (1997) ó "Better (to provoke a reaction than to react to provocation)" (1999).
ANTIDOTO: "Too fast to live..." (2004).