Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jenna Haze Aurora Snow Got Dick

LED ZEPPELIN - In Through the Out Door

Dear members of Led Zeppelin:
You have come a long way, folks, from "Good Times Bad Times" to "I'm gonna crawl. " A Journey of exploits, experimentation, unsurpassed power, an eerie sound, large concerts and lectures, a few acoustic songs munidas of a beauty rarely seen in a flirtation between the bright blues, the hard-rock The country and the East mark.
Oh, yes, I have made to vibrate like few other bands have. And you had the dignity to break away and after the unexpected death of your fellow traveler 'Bonzo', to whom there was no way to replace.

Gozasteis moments of glory, the pinnacle of fame, excess, multi-million selling, and you gave up you afford to publish a masterpiece that contained not even your name at the top. You played with my feelings and hallucinations, bewitched me and I'm excited to fanaticism. For all that, I will be grateful while I live.
Only could you have messed with that last touch your ominous, the "In Through the Out Door", which disappointed me terribly, but you left unscathed as your prestige. Is that you saw you so tired, old and grotesque in it, which for a moment back in 1979 - I thought you had betrayed me. And I thought I have not return my feelings, something worse with your next project posthumous "Coda" (Which renaming "Joda"), which ended with my blind devotion to you. But do not worry. There will inquire on that compilation, as I have promised not include compilations or live albums in this column.

What happened to the guiding instrument for your music? I mean the guitar, of course. In "In Through the Out Door" the most overbearing are the pianos and synthesizers. I know you did it with intention to experience to other borders, but, unlike the "Houses of the holy" in which the eccentricities came to fruition, here rozasteis ridiculous. To
begin, "In the evening" is a tired and boring rock, where Robert's voice sounds like an old brothel madam. Synths envelop the composition in a hopeless anachronism. Save your guitar, oh, great Jimmy, that you could have put a lot more in this album. In general, it seems like you who were several yards away from the study.
"South Bound Suarez" is a theme that entertains shuffle-boogie, with good guitar, powerful drums and a good voice, one of the few successes of this work. Then comes the puppet of "Fool in the Rain", I do not think any fan of 'Zepp' that price, you can please this extravagance, where the overall fatality leads to an endless calypso rash. By God, Robert! Stop singing and, by the beard of my grandmother! In that song you do all the time, silly and decaffeinated.
"Hot dog" is a pseudo country rockabilly tune silly, banal, priggish, prudish, prude and trivial, which, surely, will have made you drop the cloth, but not me. Unbecoming of you. Even hear live is simply horrifying. Understand this!

Start the B-side vinyl once "Carouselambra", your suite pretentious prog-disco, replete Sections disorganized, with inconclusive keyboards that insult my intelligence. Not include the interludes, whose guitars are more imaginative than a commercial for tampons, but Robert's voice becomes tiresome to the annoyance of his parsimony and excess. The issue is excessive, inconsistent and larguĂ­smo!. Perhaps with a few minutes less and without the funky end inappropriate ... Maybe ... But these are only theories. No attention to me. In the final analysis, nothing can be done.
For commercial arch romantic ballad "All My Love", I have no alternative but to talk to some programmers Aspen FM type fills about why so much satisfaction. "Led Zeppelin: melodies for executives in love? For this kitsch hits the mark.
Mr. John Paul Jones: your only towards the end of this song is worthy of Richard Clayderman. My lord! What were you thinking?
And get the jewel necessary to save the embarrassment this fateful album. A powerful number, depth, although slow, such as "I'm gonna crawl, put things in perspective: that of a good song. Everything else is useless, my dear sir, since nobody in their right mind would recommend this album to anyone who starts in your music. No!
What I would have created proper single from the scrapping of this bad record in the event that you decide let me hubieseis listing as follows: Side A: South Bound Suarez. Side B: I'm gonna crawl.
With the rest you could make good fertilizer for your exotic gardens.
My beloved heroes: Your "lead zeppelin" as ever I baptize Keith Moon, "has become one of feathers.
However, I wish you eternal bliss. Long live your legacy. Ye were illuminated, in addition to one of the ten bands glorious history. But never forget that this album is the exception that proves the rule.

With affection and devotion. Your
In good times, had the fierceness of a samurai,
but in "All My Love", have the force of Air Supply.
Come on, man, come on, do not be bodoque,
sing to your girlfriend karaoke version.

another example of this TENOR: "Coda" (1982).
ANTIDOTE: "Led Zeppelin" (aka "IV") (1971).