Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Suck Your Own Penins

First National Anika Among Books

Hi all, I would not dismiss the week without giving my consent I support this national meeting of Anika Among Books. Unfortunately I can not be there this time, but I hope there more meetings in the future. Although it has been lavished with plenty in Facebook this news, I leave here in full, as is the Anika received, so that anyone wishing to attend do not miss. A hug to all and good weekend.

29 and January 30 in Madrid celebrating FIRST MEETING BETWEEN NATIONAL BOOK Anika. We have the participation of writers and publishers submit their books that are going to provide books to draw between the participants.

A weekend literary, cultural, you can free up take a gift book Who give more? Us! Because as well be holding a meeting with the terror ... evening will Kruel ( Kruel's house) and convert the event into something very special to tremble. Reserve some books of horror, science fiction and fantasy to overcome that night.

Between Saturday and Sunday parade writers Susana Vallejo, Javier Ruescas, José Luis Zapatero, Antonio Martín Morales, Santiago García Clairac, Fernando Alcalá, Miguel Aguerralde, Luis Besa, Raúl Hernández Garrido, José Antonio Fideuá , Victor Cifuentes, Paco Gómez Escribano, Antonio Costa Gómez, Ana Martos, Cristina Hernandez, David Benedict and Antonia J. Corrales. And if the forecasts do not fail, attendees will surprise:)

Literature children, youth, fantasy, science fiction, historical black genre, mystery, horror, new age, testing, contemporary fiction ... We have something for everyone in both presentations and the raffle of more than 180 books that we're giving away.

All information (schedules and presentations + list of books that give away) here: php? Sk = group_173888522629242


Organization: Elena Martínez Blanco e-mail
disinterested Thanks to contributors:

Laura, Julian, Marta Perela , Cristina Ruiz, Gemma, Marie, Eva Carrasco, Raul Bastida, Luisa, Ana Arribas and Amaya Camacho.

(Anika CONTRIBUTORS AMONG BOOKS): Sole Garcia, Julia Martinez and Alex Porter.

(UNEXPECTED PARTNERS): Luis Astolfi, Mais Comabella, Fer Alcalá, Martell Lear, Hilde Agency Kerrigan Antonia, Antonia J. Corrales.

all, thank Anika Lillo


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cervical Mucus Before A Bfp

Extending the promotion HH - Classic and Zombies + HH - Beyond

Dear bloggers, on the cessation of activities of the Double Axe Cultural Association, the ejemplares de el Especial Más Allá de Horror Hispano se regalarán de manera definitiva con la compra de Horror Hispano - Clásicos y Zombis. Así lo ha declarado Darío Vilas en un comunicado en el que acentúa que la promoción vigente quedaría de este modo hasta fin de existencias. Así por cada ejemplar de HORROR HISPANO - CLÁSICOS Y ZOMBIS recibiréis en vuestro domicilio un ejemplar HORROR HISPANO - MÁS ALLÁ de forma gratuita por el módico precio de 5.95€. El envío a domicilio se realiza sin coste adicional, con lo que recibiréis los dos ejemplares de la revista antológica en la dirección indicated when ordering. You can make the purchase through the paypal system:

http:// ww / Library / catalogo.html

Or by bank transfer request to the order of DH has Editions:

not miss this opportunity! not repeat !

take this opportunity also to eat taro that you can win a copy of the comic-book Zombee Editorial Dolmen. You only have to enter the forum Web Hispanic Horror to find out how to get this award.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Negative Pregnancy Test Day Before Period

Dark (2 nd Part of Trilogy Darkness)

Dear friends, I'm fucking going to run and even more advanced step in the pages H-Horror, do not let that prevent my presence in the blog, so here I bring you the review of Dark Night sequel to Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. For those who read well in the blog entry ye PDF, courtesy of H-Horror just have to click here . Well, as always, also have available in Shvoong (if you click on the name takes you directly to site and I posted, so you know). Well, greetings to everyone and I hope you enjoy this new entry.

Dark (Dark Trilogy II)

Original title: The Fall

Authors: Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan

Publisher: Suma de Letras

500 pages

ISBN: 9788483652046

1st edition in Castilian: November 2010

As the disease and quarantine begin to sprawl across the country and the world, Eph and Nora identify the parasite worm, which is the infectious agent. They are caught between two warring factions, the Vampires of the Old World and New World Vampires are struggling to control the planet. Humans have been displaced to the top of the food chain and now understand, to their horror, which is not the consumer, but ... sumed. NIGHT awoke with a vampire who never had to leave the ground. Now the all-out battle for control of the planet has unleashed. Under the earth the night is darker.

This trilogy of Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan was born to the controversy while Night (first part) was released in the publishing market. There have been many critics of the literary work of this cult-director fantasy film. I, however, I must confess that I enjoyed Night and I've enjoyed Dark, both of which I found two novels in the literary simple but forceful in proposing new approaches and creating new images around a figure as legendary as the vampire, renewing the concept and the classic character. As the second part, Dark, keeps many good elements as its predecessor and even does not let the voltage decay along its 500 pages. As I said, to give background, the Dark Trilogy offers a demystifying vampire part (and are responsible for their authors to give them a new history of these creatures of the night), we saw the vampire as a result of a virus disease that creeps into the biology of human and completely transforms to suit your new lifestyle and his new diet based on blood, which also affects its external morphology: the famous disappearing teeth and their appearance is not as beautiful or elegant as until now we had used film and literature . In addition, we are plunged into a maelstrom of events that are very consistent with the apocalyptic genre being played in recent times. There is a horde of zombies, and a wave of natural disasters ... the end of the world is caused by a virus that spreads through blood and carrying a small whitish worms under the skin, which transforms all affected by thirsty bloodthirsty vampire. This main plot van surgiendo otras más complejas que nos llevan a descubrir una historia vampírica ancestral muy seductora, llena de matices místicos y casi mágicos. Un orden que regula y controla el mundo bajo tierra, así como la rebeldía de un renegado de ese orden, serán protagonistas de esta segunda parte, creando un campo de batalla a tres bandas. Pero hay algo más, y que no desvelaré, que aumenta el interés por la historia de los orígenes de estos vampiros y que se remonta al principio de los tiempos; una historia bien hilada que se relaciona con la de la Humanidad misma.

Cambiando de tercio, no hay quitar mérito tampoco a algunos de los personajes que aparecen en la novela. One of them, I think the greatest strength lies, is Abraham Setrakian, a Jewish antique dealer, retired philosophy professor and former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during World War II, this is one of the characters that we are unveiling much of the early history of vampires, their way of life and clans in those forms. Much of this information is obtained from their experiences during the Nazi dictatorship and it was during that dark time when he had his first contact with these creatures of the night. The other characters, that are joining to form a combative pineapple, are almost secondary but still have a weight that is gathering momentum chapter chapter.

Ultimately, Dark is the second part, I think, well achieved, with very accurate references to the first part, very useful to refresh your memory. It has a smart and fun read, with many doses of action, tension and terror, but mostly fantasy. Not for nothing is noted that this co-written by a filmmaker like Guillermo del Toro, are seen dozens of images very adaptable to the big screen and would not surprise me at the end of the third part of the trilogy use this material for film . It is a novel, so I have seen in various forums, suitable for everyone and, as I said at the beginning, there are many that is lavished against him. But I liked it and I can recommend to anyone who wants a totally different view of vampires and are sick of the syrupy version of bloodsuckers that glow with sunlight or just want to enjoy this new image that Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan offered to us.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Know If You Have Lice

First Review on H-Horror

Hello everyone. As commented in a previous post, I leave the ranks of Coffee Author to become part of the team of collaborators, reviewers of Horror Hispanic. As a bonus I will publish these reviews in my blog and Shvoong . Well, having said that, here is my first review as a collaborator. A hug to everyone and until next post.


Author: Robert J. Sawyer

Editorial: The Factory of Ideas

320 pages

ISBN: 9788498005578

1 st edition in Castilian: 2009, Madrid

The research team Simcoe and Theo Procopides Lloyd is using the particle accelerator at CERN laboratory in Switzerland on a secret project. But his experiment goes terribly wrong and, for a couple of minutes, the conscience of the entire human race is thrown twenty years to the future. While mankind must heal immediate catastrophic effects of the experiment, the most serious implications take a while to appear. Those who did not receive visions of the future try to discover how to die. Others look to their future and lovers. Lloyd must overcome the guilt for accidentally caused the death of his fiancee's daughter, while Theo is caught in the investigation of his own murder. As the real consequences of what happened start to become clear, the pressure to repeat the experiment is increasing steadily. Everyone wants a glimpse of the future, a chance to jump and witness your success ... or to learn to avoid their mistakes. In this novel, full of wit Sawyer usual, their descriptions and discussions of high school, well constructed characters and a brilliant sense of rhythm, the author shows he is at his best.

First of all, note that Robert J. Sawyer has published more than twenty novels with major American publishers and has won over twenty national and international awards for his work, including the Hugo and Nebula for best novel of the year. Furthermore, gender is the author most studied in American universities today. On this premise, no doubt, as you can guess, we are faced with an author who knows what he's talking and dominates the narrative techniques and style quite quickly. Maybe some elements are lost under the influence of translation, but it is true that the author manages to keep the focus for much of the reading, making it an enjoyable literary adventure.

the very beginning of the novel raises a number of issues that fire the imagination of the reader and make him think about the possibilities that has a history like this to happen in our immediate reality. The novel is certain physics concepts that might dislodge a little to those who have no idea of \u200b\u200bthis science and yet, there comes a time relegated to the background for the benefit of the plot. Still, the author has tried to make the reader feel comfortable with certain important theories in physics and experiments carried out on site, getting it does not sound much like Chinese. Obviously some of complex approaches are reflected in Flashforward and other theories that border adjacent to the Physics.

In principle, the weight of history will have three characters, all related to the experiment that gives rise to the event: Theo Procopides, Lloyd Simcoe and Michiko, the latter promised. The cohesion of these three characters, unfortunately, is becoming weaker as the story progresses and the burden will fall on Theo and his obsession about his own future, which is supposed to be killed. This was saved, as pointed out earlier, the fact that it is a dynamic story and quick read, with attractive details about a possible future hypothetical. The imagery so strongly displayed by the author bears witness to his experience in this genre and really makes the environment does not appear to surprise the reader's eyes. It misses more information about the rest of the world, their views and, ultimately, seems to lack something of chicha in this regard, even allowing for a temporary jump too great between the two main parts of the book, giving the feeling of emptiness and frustration. However, aspects are forgivable, as a whole, even this temporary difference of twenty years, has its charms and provides a stronger contrast between visions and the future itself.

is not one of the best novels I've read and I can not say in the matter of the series that inspired its pages but has a very attractive idea is growing almost as large single features is a good read. Get the reader into a new dimension and makes you reflect on certain aspects and unusual concepts.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Dogs Nipples Are Swollen

Images from the Historic Music

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Go Cart Racer Burlingame

What remains of 2010 and brings the 2011

Dear cyber bystanders, after the events that brought me joy and 2010, started in 2011 with new projects and with a little encouragement renewed. To give background for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of my life and everything around the blog, I will say that this year I finished my third novel, if not required by the script, is called "The Actor" and still in process of evaluating two Literary Agencies (this month is that I stop to continue the search for a sponsor for my child), also "The Book of Life" is in this process in other prestigious agency thanks to a very good friend who gave me the warning about its needs. 2010 was a year of collaboration and had the pleasure of joining the team of administrators, correspondent of Coffee Author , led by Francisco Brotons . In addition, shared pages Lorea Otsoa Honorato in this exciting literary journey. I also had a right to participate in a related book cough that went on sale a couple of months ago at the hands of DH Publishing, whose authors and illustrators take based on the singer's music Barcelona Shuarma (ex-Elephant) to flesh out writing and illustrations. It was the opportunity to return to share pages with great authors that I consider much as in the case of Javier Pellicer Darius or Vilas, of course do not forget or Gervasio (which delighted us in 2010 with crimes Avignon), or Rafa Rubio , or Senén ... the rest I can only praise his work, as I have the pleasure of having no words exchanged views with them. Anyway ... 2010 was a year of moving (I joined the large number of mortgages in Spain) and the wedding, because I married the best woman in the world (and I have to forgive you for that, but I'm going to say ... hehe). So the second half of the year very nearly was a mess with the whole issue of organizing the wedding, buying and moving house, travel and, as the culmination, the holiday season with everything still upside down.

Now, in 2011, is presented with a project still in the process also has to do
with music, also a collaborative novel with four writers, with the possibility of Finally one of the privileged who have literary agency, or even (who knows) editorial bubbling with ideas for a new novel, with the intention of rewriting my "Between Two Worlds" ... In short, there is much work ahead. Of course, this year also begins with my farewell Author's Coffee and my start in the ranks of contributors, reviewers of H-Horror . And well, that's all. That and, as you have seen, the makeover of my blog, now has a new design. Hopefully soon I can go forward more things. I wish you all a very Happy 2011 full of pleasant and unforgettable experiences. A big hug for everyone.