Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Negative Pregnancy Test Day Before Period

Dark (2 nd Part of Trilogy Darkness)

Dear friends, I'm fucking going to run and even more advanced step in the pages H-Horror, do not let that prevent my presence in the blog, so here I bring you the review of Dark Night sequel to Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. For those who read well in the blog entry ye PDF, courtesy of H-Horror just have to click here . Well, as always, also have available in Shvoong (if you click on the name takes you directly to site and I posted, so you know). Well, greetings to everyone and I hope you enjoy this new entry.

Dark (Dark Trilogy II)

Original title: The Fall

Authors: Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan

Publisher: Suma de Letras

500 pages

ISBN: 9788483652046

1st edition in Castilian: November 2010

As the disease and quarantine begin to sprawl across the country and the world, Eph and Nora identify the parasite worm, which is the infectious agent. They are caught between two warring factions, the Vampires of the Old World and New World Vampires are struggling to control the planet. Humans have been displaced to the top of the food chain and now understand, to their horror, which is not the consumer, but ... sumed. NIGHT awoke with a vampire who never had to leave the ground. Now the all-out battle for control of the planet has unleashed. Under the earth the night is darker.

This trilogy of Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan was born to the controversy while Night (first part) was released in the publishing market. There have been many critics of the literary work of this cult-director fantasy film. I, however, I must confess that I enjoyed Night and I've enjoyed Dark, both of which I found two novels in the literary simple but forceful in proposing new approaches and creating new images around a figure as legendary as the vampire, renewing the concept and the classic character. As the second part, Dark, keeps many good elements as its predecessor and even does not let the voltage decay along its 500 pages. As I said, to give background, the Dark Trilogy offers a demystifying vampire part (and are responsible for their authors to give them a new history of these creatures of the night), we saw the vampire as a result of a virus disease that creeps into the biology of human and completely transforms to suit your new lifestyle and his new diet based on blood, which also affects its external morphology: the famous disappearing teeth and their appearance is not as beautiful or elegant as until now we had used film and literature . In addition, we are plunged into a maelstrom of events that are very consistent with the apocalyptic genre being played in recent times. There is a horde of zombies, and a wave of natural disasters ... the end of the world is caused by a virus that spreads through blood and carrying a small whitish worms under the skin, which transforms all affected by thirsty bloodthirsty vampire. This main plot van surgiendo otras más complejas que nos llevan a descubrir una historia vampírica ancestral muy seductora, llena de matices místicos y casi mágicos. Un orden que regula y controla el mundo bajo tierra, así como la rebeldía de un renegado de ese orden, serán protagonistas de esta segunda parte, creando un campo de batalla a tres bandas. Pero hay algo más, y que no desvelaré, que aumenta el interés por la historia de los orígenes de estos vampiros y que se remonta al principio de los tiempos; una historia bien hilada que se relaciona con la de la Humanidad misma.

Cambiando de tercio, no hay quitar mérito tampoco a algunos de los personajes que aparecen en la novela. One of them, I think the greatest strength lies, is Abraham Setrakian, a Jewish antique dealer, retired philosophy professor and former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during World War II, this is one of the characters that we are unveiling much of the early history of vampires, their way of life and clans in those forms. Much of this information is obtained from their experiences during the Nazi dictatorship and it was during that dark time when he had his first contact with these creatures of the night. The other characters, that are joining to form a combative pineapple, are almost secondary but still have a weight that is gathering momentum chapter chapter.

Ultimately, Dark is the second part, I think, well achieved, with very accurate references to the first part, very useful to refresh your memory. It has a smart and fun read, with many doses of action, tension and terror, but mostly fantasy. Not for nothing is noted that this co-written by a filmmaker like Guillermo del Toro, are seen dozens of images very adaptable to the big screen and would not surprise me at the end of the third part of the trilogy use this material for film . It is a novel, so I have seen in various forums, suitable for everyone and, as I said at the beginning, there are many that is lavished against him. But I liked it and I can recommend to anyone who wants a totally different view of vampires and are sick of the syrupy version of bloodsuckers that glow with sunlight or just want to enjoy this new image that Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan offered to us.


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